Improving the nutritional balance of the population is one of the beneficial elements to reduce social inequalities in health. The determinants of a diet adapted to the maintenance of a state of health are particularly targeted by health promotion activities and by a committed social environment (community support, mobilization of parents, involvement of professionals, …) .
In France, the role of nutrition is established both as a protective factor and as a risk factor for chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancers, even though the prevalence of overweight and obesity has stabilized in recent years. years, it remains at an even higher level in adults, respectively 49% and 17% between 2006-2015 (Esteban 2015, Public Health France).
In the overseas territories, the situation justifies even more a major role for prevention in the modalities of action on health. The natural environment presents increased risks, the precariousness keeps certain categories of the population from having access to the information necessary for their way of life, for economic and social reasons, the beneficial behaviors for the health are not favored in this context.
In the world, the UN acknowledges that « … hunger in the world is gaining ground again ». The UN Zero Hunger Challenge, a global initiative, aims to gather support for one goal: to eliminate hunger.
project milestones

brief description
It is now essential to strengthen prevention and promotion to health, to respond to the challenge of malnutrition and to facilitate access to information through education and awareness-raising.