Promote health through nutrition
The interventions go through age-appropriate educational events by encouraging awareness and knowledge building to promote health through nutrition.
For disadvantaged populations, this involves, through the organization of a series of workshops, to inform participants about the nutritional qualities of foods, to make them think about their eating habits and to suggest ways to improve their diet. balance the nutritional contributions in a context of precarious life. Beyond nutrition issues, these workshops address other health issues related to nutrition such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The workshops are also an opportunity to recall the rules of hygiene and the operating rules of the workshop especially in terms of respect (self-respect and respect for others in the context of a group activity)
Aider une personne à sortir de sa vulnérabilité, c’est avant tout lui donner les moyens d’être actrice de sa vie.
Renforcer la promotion des conditions de vie est une manière d’entreprendre au service de l’homme et de l’environnement. Elle est la meilleure contribution aux progrès de l’éducation, de la santé, de l’inclusion financière, de la protection de l’environnement et autres questions sociales à travers le continent.