A favorable diet for health!
Actions to prevent overweight and obesity in schools and out-of-school must be supported by training for professionals in contact with children, mobilizing local actors, and supporting families.
Interventions involve age-appropriate educational events reinforced by awareness and improvement of knowledge to promote health through nutrition.
When some children understand that a toothpaste is not a spread, then we will have taken a step further in health education.
The change in diet associated with an increase in the sedentary, has repercussions on the health of the population. The generally more unfavorable social conditions in the territories contribute to excess mortality. It is therefore essential to reinforce the development of prevention and information actions in liaison with local stakeholders.
Aider une personne à sortir de sa vulnérabilité, c’est avant tout lui donner les moyens d’être actrice de sa vie.
Renforcer la promotion des conditions de vie est une manière d’entreprendre au service de l’homme et de l’environnement. Elle est la meilleure contribution aux progrès de l’éducation, de la santé, de l’inclusion financière, de la protection de l’environnement et autres questions sociales à travers le continent.