Action éducative nutrition santé

Intervene for Favorable Nutritional Behaviors for Health (ICoFaS)

On the initiative of B’SaN Asso’s APPIC Santé, the ICoFaS project, jointly conducted with Cnam-Istna, proposes the necessary tools for the implementation of cultural and artistic activities of nutritional education during extracurricular time, to promote the development of good eating habits (diet and physical activity) for kindergarten and elementary school students, their parents, professionals and community members. This project is supported by the public authorities including the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Public Health Agency France.
In the form of an educational kit, it proposes a methodology for the implementation of cultural and artistic activities conveying health nutrition messages.

• Program content

A website which is the toolbox presenting artistic and cultural activities in nutrition, nutrition and physical activity and a set of educational resources designed to complement the school program.
This tool gives key elements for the practical implementation of health nutrition actions designed according to the age of the child. The practice of these activities has the advantage of integrating both the food and physical activity dimension into artistic productions, the education dimension by respecting and adapting the content with the educational program and the cultural dimension by the development of nutritional resources. local.

• Methodology

This program uses the methodology of the holistic approach to health promotion with strategies for complementary actions: educational actions with children to promote favorable nutrition practices, actions with parents and with nutrition ambassadors to strengthen the potential social and ownership of nutrition issues by the population, environmental actions to ensure access to quality nutrition offers, actions at the level of policies and institutions through collaborations and partnerships (local authorities, associations, national education, contracts health facilities, teaching staff, practitioners, student representatives and parents).
It is currently recognized that in terms of prevention and nutritional behavior, enabling family life ecosystem actors to participate in the process of strengthening favorable nutritional behaviors is a factor of success. It is accompanied by the need to raise awareness and train professionals to ensure the coherence and validity of scientific messages in nutrition.

• B’SaN interventions for ICOFaS

The president of B’SaN Asso is the publication director of the ICOFaS website. Expert at the APPIC Santé association, she led the deployment of the ICOFaS program in Martinique, participated in the Food Innovation Village in French Polynesia as a lecturer and also facilitator of ICOFaS workshops, piloted the implementation of ICOFaS in Mayotte in the framework of a global project integrating culture, nutrition and sustainable development, presented the program to local authorities and actors in Guadeloupe and Guyana. Requested by other municipalities and local actors in metropolitan France, it is involved in health awareness actions in municipalities in Yvelines and also in the framework of actions led by associations and foundations.

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Point de repos tant que la pauvreté et l'inégalité persistent. Ensemble, faisons la différence !


Améliorer la santé et le bien-être est au coeur de nos actions pour accompagner le développement de celles et ceux qui sont dans le besoin.Nous mettons tout en oeuvre pour améliorer les conditions de vie des individus particulièrement les enfants.

  • Sensibiliser les acteurs locaux, décideurs et parties prenantes à l’importance de la nutrition comme déterminant majeur de santé et ce à tous les âges de la vie ;

  • Développer des actions humanitaires et sociales axées sur le bien-être, la nutrition, la santé et le développement durable ;

  • Créer des activités entrepreneuriat social et économiques notamment dans le domaine de la nutrition et l’accès à l’eau potable ;

  • Mener des études, enquêtes, expertises et recherche, et ce en rapport  avec l’objet de l’association ;

  • Mener des actions d’éducation à la santé, à l’éveil de l’enfant et à la préservation de l’environnement ;

  • Déployer des interventions et  stratégies pour promouvoir la santé maternelle, néonatale et infantile notamment dans le cadre de la lutte contre la malnutrition ;

  • Développer des actions de soutien et de parrainage pour garantir une bonne alimentation de qualité saine et équilibrée aux enfants ;

  • Organiser toute œuvre sociale prenant en compte les besoins des populations locales (distribution alimentaire,  vêtements, matériels scolaires, jeux éducatifs, produits d’hygiène..)

Le sort de la population est au coeur de notre préoccupation, nous nous appuyons fortement sur une forte expertise pour répondre aux besoins grâce à la mobilisation des communautés locales et au soutien du public français.Nous prenons en compte les enjeux de sécurité alimentaire et la protection de l'environnement.