Social innovations for a better life
Produce differently for local innovation!
B’San association focuses on the expectations of a territory to provide the appropriate solutions to promote the behaviors to be produced otherwise.
Fair trade or the maintenance of a peasant agriculture respectful of the environment is at the heart of our actions:
to motivate the collective dynamic;
encourage innovation that proposes local solutions;
develop actions that provide solutions for ecological transition;
These actions will help foster local development, the fight against exclusion and inequalities in the territories.
Collaborating with local actors and partners who share the same vision is the guarantee of the change we want to make. It also strengthens the promotion of healthy living and working conditions and the control of environmental risks.
Helping a person out of his vulnerability means giving him the means to be an actress of his life.
Strengthening the promotion of living conditions is a way of undertaking in the service of man and the environment. It is the best contribution to progress in education, health, financial inclusion, environmental protection and other social issues across the continent.
Aider une personne à sortir de sa vulnérabilité, c’est avant tout lui donner les moyens d’être actrice de sa vie.
Renforcer la promotion des conditions de vie est une manière d’entreprendre au service de l’homme et de l’environnement. Elle est la meilleure contribution aux progrès de l’éducation, de la santé, de l’inclusion financière, de la protection de l’environnement et autres questions sociales à travers le continent.